Developers will benefit from a variety of free and fee-based resources and services provided by organizations within the City or Westmoreland County. The types of resources include business start-up consulting services, secondary lending, and business assistance grants and services include assistance with business permits and site approvals. Contact the GCDC office if you need assistance identifying or locating a specific resource or service.
When Is a Building Permit Required?
Permit Required to:
- Increase or decrease window size
- Change door opening size
- Construct addition to building, storage shed, or garage
- Change floor plan of a building
- Add or relocate sinks or toilets
- Add electrical circuits or fixtures
- Construct or reconstruct a porch
- Demolish or move a structure
- Excavate or fill areas
- Replace sidewalk or curb
- Construct driveway curb cut
- Install swimming pools (above or in-ground)
- Erect a sign on your property
- Any change to roof design
No Permit Required to:
- Replace existing window
- Replace existing door
- Install aluminum siding
- Repair existing furnace
- Repair existing electrical system
- Repair roof
- Re-shingle roof
- Paint
- Install fencing (see above)
Property owners who wish to make sign and/or facade improvements to properties located in the Downtown, Historic and/or Gateway Districts (Main Street, Otterman Street, Pittsburgh Street and West Newton Street) should contact the City’s Planning Department for pertinent information related to design guidelines prior to beginning any work.
Any questions related to the above information should be directed to the Planning Office at (724) 838-4335 and/or Code Office at (724) 838-4305. These offices are located on the 2nd Floor of City Hall in Room 203.
City of Greensburg Planning Office
416 South Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
(724) 838-4335
Email: [email protected]
Greensburg Community Development Corporation
41 West Otterman Street, Ste 520
Greenburg, PA 15601
(724) 689-0040
Email: [email protected]
City of Greensburg Forms Page:
40 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 510
Greensburg, PA 15601
(724) 830-3604
Email: [email protected]
Saint Vincent College Small Business Development Center
300 Fraser Purchase Road
Latrobe, PA 15650
(734) 537-4572
Email: [email protected]
Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce
241 Tollgate Hill Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
(724) 834-2900
Email: [email protected]
Westmoreland County Geographical Information Systems
40 N Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 430
Greensburg, PA 15601