
Sites & Structures

greensburg development sites

Greensburg contains a variety of sites and structures available for purchase. The Greensburg Community Development Corporation can help developers and investors identify structures or lots that suit your specifications, including those not yet listed with a real estate agency. Our relationship with property owners and knowledge of downtown will prove beneficial when seeking Greensburg development sites.

Opportunities with Greensburg Development Sites & Structures

Developers seeking a site without a structure have several options. The vacant or underutilized sites in Greensburg range in size from 1+acres to 3,500 square foot. Some are within the downtown area, while others are located in residential neighborhoods. The GCDC has also identified smaller sites that can become more attractive with the assemblage of adjacent properties.

Commercial structures in the downtown area are primarily configured for office use with the first floor being a retail space. As with many older commercial districts, the structures within the city range in overall condition and degree of code improvements made to the structure. Some properties are in good condition but need a professional management firm to market the available space. The potential to complete an infill of a new structure exists, especially when adjacent properties are assembled to increase total square footage of the development project. The adaptive reuse of former office space into residential apartments is an emerging market resulting in a higher per square foot lease rate. These apartments are desired by both undergraduate and graduate level college students along with individuals wanting to live in an urban environment.

The GCDC is your first point of contact when inquiring about commercial or residential property in Greensburg. Contact us to receive promotional documents, a listing of properties, or to discuss opportunities about Greensburg development sites: 724-689-0040 or [email protected].

Greensburg Community Development Corporation

Ashley Kertes,
Executive Director

Our Address

101 N. Main Street
Suite 105
Greensburg, PA 15601




[email protected]

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